15 Truths of Studying Abroad

Students studying abroad - regardless of the length of the program - have common experiences. Here is a list of 15 truths of all study abroad programs!You frequently hear stories from students about how studying abroad is an incredible, life-changing experience.

That is a universal truth.

No matter how long a study abroad program is, students have common experiences that transcend borders.

Everyone comes back with hilarious stories, comments about the host culture, and (ideally) a resume-worthy experience to boot.

For students studying away from your home countries, here are some universal truths regardless of your host country.

1. You feel a mixture of excitement, anxiety, hilarity, and so many other emotions when you are leaving home for study abroad.

1. You feel a mixture of excitement, anxiety, hilarity, and so many other emotions when you are leaving home for study abroad.

And the first week abroad is full of all of the above.

2. There are nights when you make questionable decisions that you regret (only a little bit) in the morning.

2. There are nights when you make questionable decisions that you regret (only a little bit) in the morning.

…Because everyone survived, right?

3. Hangovers (unless you are a teetotaler).

3. Hangovers (unless you are a teetotaler).

Yep, they suck in every country. But last night was totally worth it.

4. Inevitably, there is at least one mishap with transportation.

4. Inevitably, there is at least one mishap with transportation.

And, once you survive the panic that ensues, you make sure that it doesn’t happen again too many more times.

5. You experience homesickness for the weirdest thing(s).

5. You experience homesickness for the weirdest thing(s).

That meal that you never quite figured out how you felt about it when you were home? It is all you can think about for a solid week.  Or the fact that your clothes don’t smell like home anymore and that becomes problematic.

6. Your classes are completely different from back home.

6. Your classes are completely different from back home.

Did we mention how you had to go someplace reallllllllllllllllly cool for your required field trip?

7. You meet a new friend (or deepen an old friendship) and you can’t imagine life without this person.

7. You meet a new friend (or deepen an old friendship) and you can’t imagine life without this person.

Because travel brings out the best people and the best in people.

8. You find a place that is your go-to place.

8. You find a place that is your go-to place.

Be it a restaurant, café, bar, temple, park, bookstore, and even a local historic monument, it is yours and the cornerstone on which your experience abroad rests.

9. Netflix-only days exist, even in your beautiful and exciting new town.

9. Netflix-only days exist, even in your beautiful and exciting new town.

And there are more of these days than you will ever admit.

10. All of the #studyabroad #hashtags are all over your social media.

10. All of the #studyabroad #hashtags are all over your social media.

Your friends and family back home react to your photos, and it always makes you feel excited when someone says how jealous they are of your adventures. Yeah, studying abroad is amazing.  #wishyouwerehere

11. You become fiercely proud of something (or everything) from back home.

11. You become fiercely proud of something (or everything) from back home.

That’s right – all night diners ARE an amazing thing!  And who doesn’t love *insert beloved, misunderstood food here*?!

12. You lose something.

12. You lose something.

Between your wallet, passport, credit card, phone, mind, common sense, a sock, a shoe, or some of your perceptions of your host culture, something will leave you while you are abroad.

13. You blow your budget.

13. You will blow your budget.

Wait, I thought my account had three digits instead of only one…

14. You return home with at least double what you left with.

14. You return home with at least double what you left with.

Where did all of these extra clothes, books, souvenirs, shoes, and stolen liberated pint glasses even come from?

15. You fall in love with your host city and the person you are while you are there.


15. You fall in love with your host city and the person you are while you are there.

And you know that you will never be the same again.

Those are the 15 truths of studying abroad.  So what are you waiting for?  Start an application today!

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